Summertime is full of endless possibilities, yet it can feel fleeting. Here are 20 ways to savor summer no matter where you live.

Detroit lake in Oregon, near where we live.
This week it suddenly hit me that it was the end of July. As cliché as it sounds, summer seems to fly by each year at an ever increasing speed. One minute I’m looking forward to longer days and time by the pool and the next minute it seems like everyone has their pumpkins out (not that I don’t love fall). Do you know what I mean?
So in an effort to squeeze every bit of summer out of the time left, I thought I would put together a list of some of our favorite things to do that epitomize the season.
20 Ways To Savor Summer
1. Go to a beach or lake. Depending on where you live, you may not be anywhere near a beach. If you are landlocked, chances are there is a lake nearby. I spent summers growing up sailing on our local reservoir and they are some of the best summer memories I have.
2. Cut fresh flowers for your home. I don’t have any sort of garden up and running yet at our new house, but my goal is to have one by next year! Nothing beats cutting fresh peonies or hydrangeas from your own garden. If you don’t have a garden at your disposal, I’m a big believer in grocery store bouquets.
3. Bring out some fun dishtowels. A lot of people have season specific dishtowels for holidays, but why not add some fresh ones in a fun print for summer? I’m partial to buffalo check or stripes for summer (well, really anytime of year).
Bring Summer Inside
4. Try out a new home scent. I think the quickest way to make you home feel like a season is to make it smell like a season. Candles or essential oils are my favorite ways to do this. I use essential oil scented candles to make my own version of an Anthropologie candle for summer, recipe and directions here.
5. Start an indoor herb garden. Starter herbs are really affordable in the summertime, which make it the perfect time to start a kitchen herb garden. Put 3-4 of your favorites together in a pot and you have an easy countertop herb garden that’s functional and pretty!
6. Paint something a fun color. Painting in the winter is no fun for me because of all the fumes and the mess. Take advantage of the nice weather to tackle a fun diy project, like painting an old chair or table in a bright color.
Get Outside
7. Porch swings rule. Starting my morning off on a porch swing with a cup of tea and a book sounds like the perfect morning to me. There are a million tutorials out there for making your own porch swing, or if that’s not your thing you can always purchase one.
8. Add some outdoor plant to your deck or patio. This sounds seemingly simple, but it adds so much coziness to you outdoor area. Once I figure out exactly what type of plants thrive in our new area I’ll be adding some potted bushes and flowers into the mix.
9. Make a summer reading list. I love reading year round, but summer is the perfect time to catch up on your to be read list. I’m currently reading this book after seeing the movie on Hallmark Channel. It’s cute, charming, and the type of book I love to read in the summer.
Stay Local
10. Rent a local vacation cottage. You don’t have to travel a long distance to enjoy some time away. Book a local VRBO or local B&B for a couple of days in an area you don’t normally visit.
11. Have a staycation. Having a vacation without ever leaving your own home can leave you feeling refreshed and is easy on the pocketbook. Buy your favorite foods to eat and pick out some good books to read and board games to play. Unplugging is half the battle towards recharging yourself.
12. Attend a festival. The town we live in now seems to have a festival every other weekend. From classic car shows to local county fairs, there are probably more outdoor events than you would think. Check you local paper and community centers for ideas to take advantage of on the weekend.
13. Use what you have. Sometime it can feel like you have to spend money to have fun. As Americans, I think sometimes we forget how much we already have. A little effort and creativity can go a long way towards making your summer the best one yet.
Make Something Homemade
14. Make a homemade smoothie. Nothing says summer to me like homemade smoothies and popsicles. They’re easy, healthy, and half of the fun is just making them!
15. Go to the local farmer’s market. Most city’s and towns have a local farmers market nearby. Buying fresh produce and summer bouquets are some of the best perks of summer.
16. Make a pie. I don’t make pies normally, but when fresh blackberries are in season, there’s really no excuse not to. Find an easy recipe for the filling and buy a ready made crust if baking’s not your forte.
17. Go berry picking. Depending on where you live, different berries come into season throughout the summer. Check your local extension service for the different seasons and best spots to pick, or call around to local u-pick farms.

via Country Living
18. Eat more meals outside. Eating meals outside makes me feel fancy, like I’m on a European getaway. Plus, doesn’t food always taste better outside?
19. Put up string lights. I’m convinced string lights have the ability to make any outdoor space magical. Whether you live in an apartment with a patio or a house with a deck, adding some string lights will make you want to be out there more.
20. Invite friends over. Having family and friends over for a bbq or game night is a simple way to connect with your favorite people. Don’t wait to have the perfect house or perfect space to entertain in, embrace what you have now!
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Spring and summer are my favorite seasons and I totally agree with you Tiffany. They do seem to whizz by in the blink of an eye. Thanks for the great tips. Next time Autumn comes knocking and puts me in a downer I’m going to try some of these
Thanks, Michelle! I hear you, sometimes the rain and gray get to me too!