Fall is officially here and I’ve never been more ready for a change of season. Here are 9 little things I’m loving for fall.
Ah fall, what’s the reason we all love it so much? I think it’s a combination of things, but starting new is one of them. There’s also the slower pace and the anticipation of the holidays to come. And who doesn’t love all of the sights, sounds, and tastes that delight our senses during the fall season?
I hope that you’re still looking forward to fall this year despite the current world climate. Let’s take a little break, grab a cup of tea and I’ll tell you all about the small things I’m loving this fall season.
9 Little Things I’m Loving For Fall
Making Sourdough Bread
I know, I’m a total cliche. Like a large amount of the U.S. population, I too tried my hand at making sourdough bread back in April. And it changed my life. Ok, that might be a little dramatic, but it significantly changed the way we eat bread as a family. I’ve been making roughly two batches a week ever since and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon.
We are officially on the homemade bread train. It’s just so good. And it doesn’t seem to bother my husband’s somewhat sensitive stomach (my guess is that’s mostly due to the simple ingredients compared to store bought bread). Plus, there’s just something so satisfying about making something homemade for my family that they enjoy eating on a daily basis.
Watching A Cozy Fall Themed Movie
This summer I watched a couple of old favorite summer themed movies (this one is my very favorite) and I thought it would be fun to do the same thing for fall. Since You’ve Got Mail will always feel fallish I watched that along with the classic movie it’s loosely based on, The Shop Around the Corner. I had never seen it before and it was a fun way to spend a fall Friday night with some homemade pizza (also courtesy of my new sourdough obsession).
Fun Fall Activities
Reading All The Fall Books (especially Children’s Books!)
I’m a book lover year round, but fall brings its own bookish delights and an excuse to stay inside on a bluster day and curl up with a good novel. I’m currently reading Rose In Bloom by Louis May Alcott. As an Alcott lover since my teen years I’m not sure how I missed this one, but I’m glad I discovered it! If you haven’t read it before I recommend starting with Eight Cousins, the prequel, to get the full effect.
The past couple of years I’ve made a point to collect a couple of fall themed children’s books to add to our collection (we loved this year’s choice). And can I just say, even if you don’t have children, or if they’re grown – do something nice for yourself and buy or check out a children’s book about fall to read. They just make you feel good. Children’s authors have that uncanny ability to wrap up all that is good about the fall season into a sweet storyline that will give you all the fall feels.
Fall Rituals To Set The Mood
Try Something Pumpkin Flavored
If you have a Trader Joe’s near you….enough said. If you don’t, now is the perfect time to try a new fall flavored recipe. I made an apple pie from scratch for the first time last week. I’m not sure why I was so intimidated for so long to try making one, but I wish I had done it years ago! It was surprisingly simple and the smell of apple pie baking in the oven along with the memories of little hands helping will be one I want to repeat year after year.
Bringing Out My Favorite Fall Sweaters
Fall is by far my favorite season to dress for, #fallsweatersforever. Getting my fall clothes out and ready for chilly weather not only gets me in the mood for fall, but helps me go through all of my fall pieces to see what needs to be mended, replaced, or given a little love. I’m also excited to add a new fall sweater to my collection – sweater styles have gotten a bit oversized in recent years, and I’m here for it. Nothing says fall more to me than an oversized sweater and boots.
Enjoy Autumn Nature In All Its Glory
Decorating The Front Porch
I’ve notice a trend on social media (and in our own neighborhood too) of people not decorating their front doors or porches this year for fall. How sad is that? People are feeling like it’s just not worth it this year. In my humble opinion, we need fall porch decorating more this year than ever before. So buy a mum or a couple of pumpkins and pull out your fall wreath. I think we forget that decorating our porches isn’t just for us, it’s to spread a little joy around our neighborhoods too! Check out this post for some more fall porch inspiration.
Go For A Walk In The Woods
We are extremely fortunate to live in the woods, so nature walks are something we enjoy year round, but they have an extra special feeling in the fall. I believe it was Mary Davis who said “A walk in nature walks the soul back home.” And who doesn’t need that every once in a while? Find a nature trail near your home and go for a walk, you won’t be sorry.
Press Some Fall Leaves
While you’re on said nature walk, collect some fall leaves to bring home and press. My daughter loves this activity and it’s not just for kids. Press the leaves between some wax paper and a couple of heavy books and in a week you’ll have leaves that look lovely collected in a bowl for an easy added touch of fall to your home.
Change Your Routine & Add Something Fallish
Making A New Fall Soup Each Week
Last, but certainly not least, don’t forget the soup! What we eat in our homes has as much to do with how they feel as decorating them does. A good fall soup is worth its weight in gold. Take a moment to find a couple of new soup recipes to try this season, add them to your list of old favorites and then sprinkle them throughout your monthly meal plan (I’m excited to try this new recipe). It’s amazing how something as simple as a warm pot of soup to look forward to at dinner can make your whole day feel brighter and cozier.
Have any fall things you’re loving lately? Do share!
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Tiffany, I’m enjoying your delightful things to love for fall list. You’ve Got Mail which is a wonderful movie this time of year and always puts me in a good mood, of course so does homemade soup! Look for your feature this week on the Tuesday Turn About Link Party!